The Manhasset Chamber of Commerce was established in January 1935 as a means of obtaining improved business conditions in Manhasset. Arthur J. Deering, a prominent real estate broker, was the first chairman. The Chamber is made up of an all-volunteer board of directors. The dynamics of business have changed as well as the physical presence with the help of the Internet. As businesses have changed, the chamber has also evolved since then offering new membership levels, Manhasset beautification and community event sponsorship opportunities.
The chamber has always been at the forefront of beautifying Manhasset. With the “Welcome To Manhasset” sign at Mary Jane Davies Park, co-sponsored with the Manhasset Greater Civic Association, the Adopt-A-Planter and Adopt-A-Hanging Basket campaign, which pays for the hanging baskets located on the poles of Plandome Road, the Manhasset Chamber of Commerce wants to welcome all who live, visit and work here. Donations are sought annually to transform Plandome Road with flowers in all its splendor.
The Beautify Manhasset membership that is offered to the public, businesses and residents, enables the chamber to decorate for the fall and winter and plant flowers and foliage in the new planters which decorate the road. Energies for the vast undertaking are under the leadership of the chamber’s Beautification committee. With the help of the Town of North Hempstead, who waters the hanging baskets and planters weekly, allows continued blooms throughout the season, making Plandome Road a definite destination.
While business has changed a great deal for many restaurant owners during the Covid Pandemic, many are unable to provide outdoor seating for their customers. The Manhasset Chamber has installed Teak-benches to allow seating along Plandome Road for customers to grab and go and have a place to sit outdoors. Manhasset Chamber hosts “Manhasset Al Fresco,” a series of evenings out on the town for outdoor dining, shopping and live entertainment on Plandome Road. The event is sponsored in part by the Town of North Hempstead’s Lift Up Local initiative to support local businesses following the coronavirus, and allows for road closures for pedestrians and outdoor dining on Plandome Road.
The chamber educates its membership by inviting government officials to annual events and meetings. The Town of North Hempstead Building Department and Officials are invited to speak to the business owners and community. Plandome Road is a Town of North Hempstead road in business “B” district. Northern Boulevard is a New York State road, in business “A” district.
The chamber encourages people to shop local and foster personal relationships to allow for repeat business and referrals.
The chamber also hears the Manhasset’s business community voice by holding breakfasts, lunches in the park and the fabulously successful business card exchanges.
“Manhasset was built on these independent businesses and they need our support,” says longtime chamber member Katie Miller.
Promoting shop small, shop local, every store, merchant and business owner is invited to be a part of this powerful homegrown organization which partners with an even larger and more powerful organization, the Nassau County Chambers of Commerce, each year selecting a business which would be named Business of the Year.
The Manhasset Chamber is recognized for hosting Manhasset Al Fresco
The Chamber received an award from the Town of North Hempstead for bringing the community together while helping local businesses through the Manhasset Al Fresco event as part of it’s “Lift Up Local” campaign. The award was graciously accepted by Chamber Co-Presidents Matthew Donno and Bill Hannan, and Chamber Board Member and co-organizer of the event Antonietta Manzi (Shop Manhasset).